Friday, March 30, 2007

Mark Joyner Lauches Simpleology the Book!

My excellent friend Mark Joyner has finally launched the controversial Simpleology book that he's been working on for the past few years. So far I've only gotten a sneak peak at some of it that he let leak out to his Simpleology members recently, but TODAY is the DAY!

It's out now, and Mark is looking to stir some controversy with it. I really can't fully explain how excited I am about this, because in my personal conversations with Mark he's let me in on some of the details of his master plan, and this is a major reference point within it. I can't explain all the details of it in this post, but let me just tell you this.

GET MARK'S BOOK! It is invaluable. If you're looking to free your mind in the simplest way possible, then this book is for you. If you want to help your friends free their minds too, then buy a few copies and give them away for birthdays and at christmas.

Some of the things Mark reveals in this book may shock you, but more importantly they will greatly increase your awareness to what's going on in the world around you, and give you an advantage to take the path of least resistance towards your highest good!

Self Empowerment is the name of the game, and becoming aware of all the things that disempower you is part of the solution, matched with knowing what actions will lead you to success the least of amount of time with the least amount of effort!

Again, I say this book is invaluable! So go get yourself a copy at today!

If you need more convincing then go watch the video trailer that Mark Joyner put together to promo his book launch. After watching the video, you can just click the button beside it to be redirected to and make the purchase!

Watch the Simpleology Book Launch Video NOW!

I hope you make the right decision on this. As the old saying goes "A stitch in time, saves 9", well Mark Joyner's Simpleology book is like "Stitches in time, learn now, don't wait - Put them into action, save 108" ;)

Peace and Prosperity,

Jambhala Rinpo

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