Thursday, July 27, 2006

The 3 Best Builders of Buzz Breeding Basics

If you want to birth a buzz for your business, then you’ll need to know the 3 best builders of buzz breeding basics for creating the biggest buzzes. The buzz we’re talking about is a marketing buzz that builds better brand awareness. Time to get down to buzzness, I mean business.

There are certain things that create buzz amongst humans, and there are certain ways of implementing them. Here are the 3 best builders of buzz breeding basics:

1) The Humorous

2) The Extraordinary

3) The Taboo

Indeed, these three things play an important part of building the base for the buzz breeding. The main reason being, that topics within one of these three categories are topics worth talking about. If it’s interesting enough to tell others about, then it’s buzzworthy. If it’s boring and bland, then the buzz will be burned. So let’s get into more detail on these three wonderful old methods for making word of mouth marketing.

1) The Humorous (jokes, funny stories, funny situations)

If we hear something funny, whether it’s a funny story, funny situation, or a funny joke, then it will usually hold our attention, make us laugh, and easily become logged in our memory. The reason being is that humor entertains us and makes us feel good. It’s just human nature to laugh and feel good about humorous things. It’s also human nature to share those humorous stories and jokes with others, because we feel good and get credit for making others laugh too. A little bit of humor in your buzz marketing message will go a long way.

2) The Extraordinary (unusual, outrageous, remarkable, awesome)

Another powerful way of creating a buzz is with something extraordinary. As I said earlier, bland and boring will burn your buzz, because nobody is interested in hearing bland boring stuff, and no-one likes being tuned out when they’re talking either (which happens if you speak of the bland and boring). That’s where the extraordinary comes in. The extraordinary is just that, Extra Ordinary, the opposite of bland and boring. It’s something that could normally be ordinary, except for the fact that it has something EXTRA added. These are often things that are unusual or even outrageous. You’d certainly want to tell others about that, because if they missed it, they may never hear or see of such a thing ever again, and by buzzing about it, one would get instant recognition as the one who saw or heard about it first or at all.

There are also extraordinary things that would be considered remarkable, awesome, or excellent. These things hold buzzworthiness based on their ability to “wow” people. Just imagine hearing people say “Wow, I didn’t expect that to be so remarkable/awesome, I’m going to have to tell people about it”. People will tell others when they experience something above and beyond their expectations, or something they’ve never experienced before.

3) The Taboo (secrets, sex, & things we shouldn’t speak of)

As strange as it may sound, the things we shouldn’t speak of are the things we just can’t resist talking about. When we speak of the taboo, it will often be with trusted friends, and this provides an excellent frame for any marketing message. You’re more likely to listen to someone you trust. Of course some people will blurt out a taboo statement to anyone, and again we will tell others, because it’s taboo and outrageous. Curiosity is a factor that holds our attention of these things. We’re curious about secrets, and curious about sex. If someone is willing to speak of it, then we’ll be eager to listen, and equally excited to tell others. This may be buzz building at its best, because the people building the buzz are clueless to the size of the buzz being built. In fact they may even think it’s still something secretive.

The humorous, extraordinary, and taboo will undoubtedly grab our attention, and anything that interests us, is sure to interest others. Word of mouth travels fast when there’s something to buzz about and using one or more of these buzz builders will boost your buzz bigger. There’s one more key to this puzzle that’s necessary for unlocking the vault of buzz marketing success.

Now that you know the buzz breeding basics, you need to know how to implement them properly. It takes some creativity for one, but the main key is to make sure that whichever of the three buzz breeders you use; you must integrate your marketing message into the buzz breeder in a way that will make your message memorable. The all too common mistake here is when the message isn’t integrated correctly and the buzz breeds, but the people forget about who or what created it. You need to have your product/service/brand centered around the buzz, so that it is clear to anyone what the message is, when they hear the buzz. All it takes is a relevant and obvious link between the buzz builder and your product/service/brand.

Jambhala Rinpo

"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must be included."

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Buzzworthiness via Human Motivation

Creating something buzzworthy can be a challenge, but a challenge worth achieving. If you can create something buzzworthy enough to get everyone buzzing about it and spreading the message virally, then you’ve succeeded in doing something that most marketers only dream of.

Let’s take a look at buzzworthiness from the perspective of the psychology of human motivation. If we can grasp the concept of what motivates us as humans, then we’ll have a better understanding of how to utilize the motivation factors to encourage the viral spread of our message through starting a buzz.

The famous psychologist Abraham Maslow presented what he called the “Hierarchy of Needs”. According to this hierarchy, if a human doesn’t have their basic needs met, then they will be motivated mostly by meeting those basic needs first, giving less importance to the other needs. Let’s take a look at this hierarchy below:

  1. Physiological needs: Food, water, shelter, and sex.
  2. Safety: Freedom from the threat of physical and emotional harm.
  3. Social Needs: Friendship, belonging, and love.
  4. Esteem Needs: Achievement, recognition, and reputation.
  5. Self-Actualization: Truth, meaning, and wisdom.

After fulfilling one group of needs starting with physiological needs, then we will become more motivated to fulfill the next set of needs, which graduates us to the next set of needs, until we fulfill self-actualization at the top of the hierarchy. This can essentially be seen as a scale of motivation. The things that motivate us are the things that fulfill one or more of our needs.

So here’s an example of how to easily create a buzz: Give out free food to famine stricken people. Those peoples primary motivation would be to attain food, and if you provide it free, they will be buzzing to get it, because it fulfills their basic needs. Does this example have much relevance to modern marketing? What do you think would happen if you gave out free hamburgers to people at a festival? You’d create a buzz and people would remember you. People walking away with their free burgers would meet other people and say “They’re giving out free burgers over there”, thus propagating your message virally via word of mouth and creating a buzz.

Okay I admit, there’s another concept here that makes it buzzworthy. The concept is to have something unique about your message/product/service. People will buzz about free burgers because A) it fulfills one of their basic needs, and B) the offer is unique because it’s free. If burgers were always free, then there would be nothing to buzz about.

For people that have their physiological and safety needs met, it is easier to create a buzz through the motivation to meet their social and esteem needs. A few of the greatest examples of viral marketing such as Hotmail, MyJournal, MySpace, and Friendster are all examples of this. These companies created a buzz because they offered something unique that fulfill the social and esteem needs through social communications, and social networking.

In these cases, the word of mouth buzz gets spread even faster because by spreading the word they fulfill their social and esteem needs at the same time as fulfilling it from the service they’re spreading the word about. It works the same even with the example of free burgers. When someone walks away with a free burger, they are inclined to go tell their friends about it, because it will boost their reputation, recognition, and strengthen their friendship. Their friends will be excited and happy to get a free burger thanks to you being the one to tell them about it. This is a key point in buzzworthiness and if understood and implemented with the right ideas and the right messages, can increase your buzz exponentially.

If you have a message, product, or service that is unique and fulfills one or more of our human needs, then you are on your way to creating a buzz. If it is something that is so good that people’s reputation and recognition becomes boosted amongst those they tell about it, then it’s definitely buzzworthy! The only thing left is to tell people to spread the word about it, and make it as easy as possible for them to spread it (ie. Viral tools such as tell-a-friend scripts, hand outs, pamphlets, e-mail forwarding, articles they can freely publish, etc…).

Good luck creating a buzz!

Jambhala Rinpo
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must be included."

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What is Buzzworthiness? How do We Create a Buzz?

What pops into your mind when you hear the word buzzworthy or even just buzz?

Well for starters, when I hear the word buzz on it's own, I think of bees swarming around a hive full of honey. If I think a little further I get an image of a busy New York street, a mall full of people, or even a festival/parade. These things also bring me back to the image of the bees buzzing around a hive of honey, the only difference is that they're people, and the honey is something that attracts them there.

The honey in New York would be business opportunities, social opportunities, and entertainment. In a busy mall, it's the stores with the products and services they offer. A festival or parade has festivities, extravagant performances, or entertainment value. All these things are what we could call buzzworthy, because they attract a crowd of buzzing bustling people excited and active.

So now let's put these images in the frame of business and word of mouth/buzz marketing. When we're trying to develop a viral marketing campaign, we need something buzzworthy. So let's look for some honey that'll get the bees swarming. Since we're probably not selling honey to bees, we'll need to find something that is sweet enough that will attract a swarm of buzzing excited customers for a feeding frenzy.

This is where things could get challenging though. It would seem that there are so many products and services out there, with so many marketing campaigns, that the swarms have scattered and become uninterested. They've headed for the honey one too many times with the thought of how sweet it will be, only to discover a bitter muck or at best molasses. This causes them to become discouraged, untrusting, and wary of the next guy who advertises honey.

Don't let this get you down, or stop you from releasing a product. The fact that there are so many dud products out there can be your opportunity to release a good one. According to the contrast principle, those dud products can actually boost your recognition just by being so much better than the competition.

Now I can sense that some of you are probably thinking "How can I be sure my product is better than the competition?" It's simple; just make a product that is buzzworthy, which means making your product sweet enough to attract a swarm of buzzing customers. How? Through excellence! People talk and get excited about excellence, and that is buzzworthiness. Here's a breakdown of how to be sure your product is excellent.

- Don't overhype your product and then underdeliver. You may get a swarm on the initial product launch, but when those buzzing bees find out that your honey is really molasses, the buzz will be silenced, and you can say goodbye to your customers, because they won't be coming back for more. Only amateurs focus on the first sale.

- Give your customers a high return on their investment. This means deliver what you promised, at a fair price, and then overdeliver. Give them more than what they asked for. Add value to your product where-ever value can be added. Stick behind your product, give support for your product, guarantee your product or their money back, and tack on some bonuses for buying your product.

- Create a good Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Your USP is an attention grabbing phrase that addresses a few of the following: What you're selling, how much, key benefits, &/or why buy from you. This is an important part of your product creation process and is best if it's short, sweet, catchy, and enticing. Pay attention to the word "unique" in there, because you need to have a unique quality that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. You also want to make sure that your USP is believable. Most people know the old saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is", and if that pops into their mind when they read your USP, then you're sunk.

Hype your product, and then overdeliver! Excellence is buzzworthy, and if you go that extra mile for your customer, and if you exceed their expectations, then they will be excited about you and your product.

Q) What is buzzworthiness?
A) Buzzworthiness is something that is buzzworthy.

Q) How do we judge what's buzzworthy?
A) If it's buzzworthy, then it will create a buzz.

Q) What defines a marketing buzz?
A) If customers are excited about a product, telling others about it, and coming back for more with a swarm behind them in a feeding frenzy.

So there you have it folks. I hope this gives you a better idea of how viral/word of mouth/buzz marketing works, and how you can create a buzz with your product/service. Just one more key to note is that you should study the concept here, then innovate, and improve upon it. Some of the biggest buzzes I'm sure are still to come, and you might just be the one to start them buzzing.

Jambhala Rinpo
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must be included."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Free Viral Webhosting Viral Ebook

Okay, I've got another goodie for you! This is a free Viral Webhosting viral ebook.

What does that mean?

It means that it's an ebook with information and resourceful affiliate links to webhosting companies online. The best part is that the ebook is designed so you can easily rebrand it, by joining the affiliate programs and adding your links, as well as a special link to your website.

This viral ebook can even be edited into a new viral ebook that you create yourself.

It's simple, it's fun, and it can be a profitable venture, if you actually spend a little time rebranding it and sending it on it's viral way for others to rebrand and pass on and rebrand and pass on.

You can Download it by clicking here for FREE

May your new viral ebook travel across the internet like the wind over the world.

Peace & Prosperity

Jambhala Rinpo
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must be included."

Monday, July 03, 2006

Free Ebook Gift

In keeping with the theme this past week, I have another gift for you related to viral article marketing. It's a free ebook called "Article Cash".

It's full of all sorts of valuable tips on making cash by creating articles to submit to article directories, which you can now easily do with your copy of the Viral Article Robot software.

So here's the download link for "Article Cash", just right click it and select "save target as":

Article Cash Ebook

Enjoy it!

Jambhala Rinpo

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Submit Your Viral Articles to 40,000+ Publishers

I hope you're enjoying the Viral Article Robot I gave out in yesturdays blog entry.

If you're keen on the idea of viral article marketing, and your hyped on using the Viral Article Robot, then I've got another resource for you to check out.

How would you like to have your Viral Articles submitted to 40,000+ publishers and hundreds of article directories. Well now is your chance to have just that, and get premium exposure for your articles. Just imagine what you can do with that kind of exposure, as well as using the Viral Article Robot.

Now this does cost a bit of money, but it's very cheap. $2.00 per article submission at most, and it gets cheaper if you plan too buy more submission credits at one time.

Here's the link to this simple submission article directory.


Jambhala Rinpo