Thursday, August 24, 2006

Viral Videos

Creating your own viral videos can most certainly be fun and all
you need is a video camera. It seems that viral videos have become
hugely popular and increasingly effective since the dawn of the
powerfully viral website has grown rapidly in popularity, reaching currently the
16th most visited website according to Alexa, and it has only been
around for just over a year.

For those of you who don't know what is, I'll give you
an explanation. It's the top viral video site online, allowing
anyone to post a video that they created. YouTube has a built in
viral aspect, so that after you watch a video you like, you can
immediately email it to your friends, blog it, save it to your
favorites, or add it to groups.

This means that anyone can create a video, submit it to YouTube,
and if people like what they see, you'll soon have your video
spread virally all across the web to viewers everywhere.

So are you ready to make a viral video?

If so, then you'll need to keep a few things in mind. If you're
doing it for marketing reasons, then you'll need to get your
marketing message across clearly so that it's effective. If you
want people to visit your website, then make sure your website URL
is displayed in the video where people can see it, and make it an
easy url to remember. It is usually most effective to have a "call
to action" either as an invitation to visit your website, or
perhaps even a more detailed request of what the viewer should do.

Creating a video that appeals to your target audience is key.
Remember that you want people to share the video with their
friends, so you have to add an aspect that gives it enough of an
impact on the viewer that they'll choose to spread it virally.

The best ways to make your video viral, is to show something that
is either newsworthy, extremely funny, outrageous,
extraordinary, and perhaps even taboo. All of these things are
buzzworthy, and hence will be readily shared.

It will take a bit of creativity, but if you just go to YouTube and
watch some of the highest rated videos, then you'll get a good idea
of what you're trying to emulate to make your video viral.

One more thing to remember, is to make sure you can easily link
your marketing message to your video. If you make a really funny
video that is super viral, but totally unrelated to the website you
display at the end, then you're not going to do to well. Sure you
may have succeeded in creating a viral video, but you've failed in
creating a good marketing formula. You can go out of the boundaries
of your marketing message a little bit, but you need to have a firm
link to your marketing message that makes your video appeal to your
target market.

Good Luck,

Jambhala Rinpo
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in
its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must
be included."

Friday, August 11, 2006

Viral Referral Marketing - the Next Generation of Affiliate Marketing

The use of affiliate marketing these days is growing rapidly, and
it's no wonder as to why. Every company with a good product has
referrals naturally from their satisfied customers, but with the
simple implementation of an affiliate program into your business,
those customer referrals increase exponentially based on a
commission rewarded per sale.

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a viral marketing vehicle that allows
marketers and customers to sign up for your program and earn
commissions on every customer they refer that makes a purchase. The
commissions are usually based on a percentage or fixed price amount
per sale. This makes it a risk free traffic/sale generator because
you only pay your affiliates based on the sales they generate.

This method encourages them to refer your product more often than
they otherwise would, because of the reward you give them for such
referrals. Some affiliates have made a full time business referring
various products and services online via their websites, blogs, and
ezine lists.

There is an easy way that many affiliate program operators don't
know, that can amplify the viral marketing effect even more. It's
simply by creating a 2-tier or multi-tier affiliate commission

A two tier affiliate program has far more viral referral power than
a normal system, because now you add the leverage of rewarding your
affiliates for the sales of other affiliates they refer. For
example: Joe is an affiliate. Joe's friend Ted knows a lot of
people that would be interested in the affiliate program's product.
Joe refers Ted to sign up as an affiliate and refer the people he
knows. Now Ted is in Joe's second tier, and now Joe earns a
commission on every sale that Ted earns from his referrals.

In a two tier affiliate system, some affiliates may sign up just so
that they can promote the affiliate program to people they know
that would have a lot of influence on peoples buying behaviours.
This means a lot more leverage to your sales growth and the number
of affiliates in your program. The viral effect is exponential.

How to Maximize the Leverage of your Multi-tier Affiliate Program?

This is a simple trick that I have rarely seen utilized by any
affiliate program owner, and I'm wondering what it will take for
them to catch on to the power of this technique. Most of the
successful programs will give free training and affiliate tools for
advertising and selling their products. This makes their programs
more appealing and they get far greater results from their
affiliates because they've made it easy for them to promote. Very
few programs use the powerful viral amplifier techniques of
offering free training and tools to their affiliates on how to find
and recruit top grade affiliates into their programs. By top grade
affiliates, I mean ones that have a large targetted audience via
their website, blog, or ezine list that would easily and quickly
generate lots of sales if recuited as an affiliate.

With these kinds of training materials included for their
affiliates, they would rapidly grow the number of high performing
affiliates in their program, through the well trained affiliate
recruiters that would be earning predominantly from the second
tier. This would be much more viral than the affiliate program on
it's own, because it greatly encourages and focuses the affiliates
to refer more and higher performing affiliates into the program.

We're talking about the potential for exponential growth here.
Training affiliates to essentially become affiliate brokers, and
explode your affiliate programs viral growth.

Jambhala Rinpo
Best Software to Start Your Own Affiliate Program
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must be included."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Viral E-books, Videos & Audios

I personally like using viral methods of marketing. It's simply because of it's ability to spread fast and far if done right, and it's a very passive way to market. You just have to create the viral vehicle once, send it out, and watch it proliferate.

The viral vehicle here that I'm speaking of is a free ebook, video, or audio, with valuable content related to the product being marketted that will encourage the listener/viewer/reader to want more and purchase via your affiliate link or url.

It can sometimes be difficult to brand a viral video or audio with your own affiliate url, based on the fact that an affiliate url is often too long for the listener/viewer to type into their browser address bar. The way to get around this is to use a link cloaker.

Then you can create a shorter simpler url and add it to the video or audio at the end. That'll take some basic editing skills.

Another way to do it, is to send people to a specific page for downloading the free video or audio and when you do this you send them to a page that cookies them and then redirects them to the download. That way when they go to the main page of the product/service, your cookie will already be on their computer, the sale will track to you, and your commission check comes in the mail (or paypal).

How would you do this?!?! You must be wondering. Here's the simple code to paste onto the page that you send them to initially for downloading the freebie. Just edit in the "DOWNLOAD-LINKPAGE-HERE" to be the freebie download page and your affiliate tracking URL where it says "AFFILIATE-LINKCODE-HERE" to cookie them. won't let me display code, SOooOOOo......
You'll have to go here to see the code snippet:

Got it? Good!

If you want to create your own viral ebooks, the best way to do it is either write the content yourself and add your affiliate links right into the PDF file, or get a bunch of PLR articles related to your niche, compile them, edit them, and add your affiliate links. Then give away your branded ebook for FREE and watch the commissions come rollin' in. You'll need to add into it that others can also pass it around and give it away for free as well (This will help it proliferate).

You can also add in some extra incentives of it getting passed around by using a simple PDF branding program. If the programs you're promoting are 2-tiered, then you can earn big on the second tier with this trick. Just create your viral ebook as described above, but use a PDF Brander to allow others to brand the affiliate links with their own affiliate code. The PDF Brander allows you to make this easy for them to do, and you just have to distribute the viral ebook in a zip file along with the rebrander tool that comes with the PDF Brander. This allows them to easily rebrand ONLY the links you want them to be able to rebrand. If you have some single tier affiliate links in the ebook, you can prevent them from being able to rebrand those. They will just be able to rebrand those links you choose them to.

This works like magic, and gives others extra incentive to rebrand with their links, and pass it along for free to many others. Viral marketing! It works!

Good luck with your new tools.

Peace & Prosperity,

Jambhala Rinpo - Best Link Cloaker on the market - PDF Brander Tool - Private Label Article Website - Viral Marketing Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must be included."