Saturday, November 25, 2006

Brandable Viral Marketing Buzz Report Volume 1 Revision

If you haven't downloaded the Report yet, I recommend you do so now, by clicking here.

For those of you who downloaded the first volume of the Viral Marketing Buzz Report last week, thank you very much.

And thanks for the feedback to those who gave it to me.

In light of the feedback I did receive, as well as some updates that have occurred recently, I have revised the report to fix a couple of broken links, and added another chapter that features the soon to be released Viral Detonator software.

I know I hyped you on the release of Viral Detonator already quite awhile ago, and although it is still not fully released due to new features being programmed, I have included it in the revised edition.

You can even still sign-up now for the affiliate program ahead of time, so that you'll be able to get a head-start on promoting when it gets released very soon. After the release, the Affiliate program will be closing and available to customers ONLY, so you'll want to get ahead of the game and register for the affiliate program ASAP. You can do so at:

If you're eager to checkout and rebrand the revised edit of the Viral Marketing Buzz Report Volume 1, just click on the following link:
Download the Viral Marketing Buzz Report Volume 1

I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and I highly recommend rebranding the report, distributing it for free, and earning some passive income from it. Remember that the more you give it away, the more money you can earn.

Peace & Prosperity,

Jambhala Rinpo

Friday, November 17, 2006

Rebrandable Viral Ebook on Viral Marketing

Here it is, an viral ebook on viral marketing!

I wrote it myself and it's short, sweet, to the point, and includes a lot of good stuff!

It's free to have, free to give away, and if you rebrand it before giving it away, then you can earn a nice passive income in the process.

If you've been watching my blog for awhile, then you'll certainly notice where the content came from. It's an edited version of all my most informative posts and now it's put into a form that you can easily rebrand to earn money.

You just have to follow the instructions within the report, join the necessary affiliate programs, then run the simple rebranding software that comes with it so you can add your own affiliate links in it.

Once you've done that, you just give it to anyone and everyone whom you think would appreciate it, and you can start earning passive income, free advertising for your own list, and free article submission credits.

Here it is:

The Viral Marketing Buzz Report - Volume 1


Jambhala Rinpo

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Russell Brunson's Viral Marketing Forum

Russell Brunson has just launched a Viral Forum!

I'm excited to see how this plays out, and I want to give you an honest review of what I think of it.

It's called Conquer Your Niche, and it's a forum that incentivizes activity by rewarding members with ad credits every time they read a thread, or make a post.

On top of that, you will also get ad credits from those you refer to become members, AND from the members they refer, And the members they refer down through 5 levels.

5 Levels of viral growth, which has the potential to be exponential!

There is NO DOubt in my mind that this system has HUGE potential, and as many of Russell Brunson's products and services, it is very well thought out and created by a team of successful internet marketers.

However, I do see some potential problems with the system, and I am not sure at this point they are being overlooked or not.

First - There may be a lot of SPAMmers and/or irrelevant posts that people are posting just to get the ad credits.

According to the rules of the forum, you are not allowed to advertise directly in your posts (Aside form your signature at the end). I'm sure this will be moderated, but it may be a large job to moderate all the potential Spammy posts that are received.

More importantly and what would be more difficult to moderate, would be posts that are irrelevant or just plain boring. When people are motivated by receiving ad credits, and NOT just by creative inspiration, you may find that there are a lot of posts that are not so relevant, or are just plain boring.

For example: Let's say that John Doe posts an interesting post about "Niche Conquering Strategies" which is an informative and relevant post. Then 12 other people post replies to this post that are all generally along the lines of "Nice post John", "Very informative John, you know your stuff", "Thanks John, you really put things in perspective for me", etc... etc... etc...

My question to Russell would be: Are posts of that nature going to count for credits? They don't actually break the rules in any way. More importantly though, are posts of this nature going to flood out all the posts that are actually interesting and informative from people that have questions or comments about the original post?

Second - I'm not entirely sure how interesting the forum is going to be for just anyone. This again plays off of my first point, and because the incentive is for advertising, it will be catering to a specific crowd of people. Particularly marketers, which means that you may be best to advertise marketing related products there or 2-tier affiliate programs and such.

It certainly won't be a place that caters to everyone and everything, but if your target market is ingternet marketers, then I would suggest that you'd be wise to become a member and get your ads up on the site.

At this point, there seem to be a lot of members, and it's growing rapidly. This site reminds a bit of Instant Buzz, which is based on ad credits as well, and is highly successful as a continually growing viral site.

Since Russell's Viral Forum only just launched today, we'll have to wait and see if the potential problems I mentioned are able to be dealt with, or if they cause the forums destruction. I would think though, that Russell will do whatever is within his power to avoid and remedy and situations that take away from the overall effectiveness of his forums success.

All in all, I recommend joining the Forum and testing it out to see how effective it is as an advertising medium, and there is definitely the possibility that this could become one of the most popular internet marketing forums in a very short amount of time.

You better join now and start promoting it ASAP if you want to build a downline, because many others will be doing the same, and you want to get in at the top for greatest success.

Join Now by clicking this link!

Good luck,

Jambhala Rinpo
"This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in
its entirety & this copyright statement as well as all links must
be included. You may alter the links for Russells forum to that of your own."

Monday, November 06, 2006

JV Suite Toolbar - Will this go Viral?

From time to time, there are products and services created that end up going viral purely based on excellence!

That is to say that people spread the word of mouth message about it, because the product or service somehow manages to revolutionize the way things are done. For products or services to truly have excellence, they must not only provide incredible features and benefits to the users/customers, but must also provide a high Return On Investment (ROI), which means that for the price the product costs, the return is exponential in comparison.

Well, there has just been a product launched that has both qualities, and in fact, the investment is $0.00 (aka FREE). The benefits are time-saving, convenient, and important to any and all marketers in helping them boost their earnings through networking with others.

The product/service I speak of is the New JVSuite Toolbar!

It's free, installs into your browser (Works with both IE & Firefox), and it conveniently keeps you up to date on all the latest JV opportunities as soon as they go public. This allows you to easily plan product launches to your lists, as well as being able to advertise your new JV's through the toolbar to other marketers.

I highly recommend downloading this thing, it's already starting to spread word of mouth very quickly, and top marketers and joint venturers are using it and spreading the word about it.

I'm recommending this to you not only as a valuable tool for you to use yourself, but also as an example of a well put together product/service that has natural viral qualities included. (When I say natural, I mean that there is no monetary incentive to tell others, only pure product excellence).

Download the JVSuiteToolbar at

and if you're interested in learning more about how to do JV's successfully, there's also a really great teleseminar being offered with some amazing bonuses that you should definitely check out at: , Better hurry though, because it's starting on Tuesday November 7th, 2006. (That's tomorrow!).

Peace & Prosperity,

Jambhala Rinpo